- Broken glass. All ovr the floor. Like, legitimately evrywhere. (Apparently some1 broke the front panel of where the authorities keep the fire extinguishers)
- Toilet papr. All ovr the floor. Like, again, legitimately evrywhere.
- Cigarette butts. All ovr the stairwell. Like, Im cool so I smoke in the stairwell nd then just drop the butts on the stairs.
- A neck pillow. Outside the door on the cement sidewalk. Which I gladly took cuz that shit is comftrble. Even if it was lying on the ground nd could potentially b teeming with an STD or 2.
- An empty broken bottle of febreeeeeeeze. Yes, broken. Like, the metal-esque spray bottle was cracked.
But most importantly and insightfully, I came across the following message written in dryerase markrs on an unsuspecting white board:
Bcuz of this white board msg, along with all the shit that I witnessed in the college living quarters, I believe its time 2 sit u, the reader, down nd have a semi-serious talk about one of my favorite talkng points:
Teen Angst.
There is some clear teen angst going on here. Nd since L.A. nouveau so often doubles as a self-help guide, this seems like the right place nd right time to have a little venting session with u, u teen angst-ridden teen.
Lets start with the basics:
R u ok?
How r u feeling?
Is evrything alright?
So, um, lets delve a little deeper into the situation, shall we?
I mean, well...
Ok. I'm just gonna put it out there:
I think ur straight up mentally ill.
U ppl r complete animals.
How the fk can u trash up ur home, ur place of residency, to such a disgusting degree?
Why do u channel all of ur teen angst feelings into destroying ur surroundings?
Who do u think u are, taking ur shit, and leaving it evrywhere?
I'm sry, but this is not about the quality of ur dorm, street rats, u just do whatevr the hell u want to do!
(Inhale, Exhale.)
Ok I'm back. Sry about that rant.
Let me move on 2 a bettr subject: Music that makes me love music.
Exmpl: Sia.
Yes, the girl who's album was no. 1 on this yr's Jose's Top 10 Albums of 2ZroZro8 list.
The song "Buttons" from the album hasn't always been my fave.
But the CSS (LOVE THEM LOVE THEM MISS THEM LOVE THEM) remix of the song is 2 die 4.
So enjoy it.
Sia - "Buttons" (CSS Remix)
Can't B Betchin' 4evr,
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