Well, almost.
But srsly, so many memries, so many momnts.
So much we shared.
Just wanna talk about it all again.
Just wanna think about the days b4 i was part of the Los Angeles life.
Just wanna recall all the LA adventres ive had since.
Just wanna never 4get Barack Obama.
Just wanna use some vowels again bcuz I’m getting all sentimental.
So instead of plaguing u with actual memries from my actual life (gasp),
Nd since music is basically my life,
I think now is the perfect time 2 discuss
The Songs that Were 2ZroZro8.
We already went thru the top 10 albums. Nd I already hate the top 10 list i made.
Just bcuz I just wish that I put CSS's Donkey on it so bad that it just makes me mad 2 think about the list in general. Othrwise its an amazing top ten list, so suck it.
But srsly, the Top Tracks of 0h-8.
Diffrent songs affect diffrent people in diffrent ways, and I thus dont think fully ranking them is necessary.
Instead, lets just discuss the top ten or so.
Shall we?
Oh yes, we shall.
Nd once again, click the album art nd it'll send u 2 buy the songs at the iTunesMusicalStore.
MGMT - Electric Feel
The song that defined Summer0h-8. Skipping school nd swimming in ur frnds’s pools, hitting the beach with ur besties, car rides with ur lovers was incomplete without this track. Nd it only got better with the beloved Justice remix.
MGMT - Kids
The song of LateSummer0h-8. The song that literally evry1 turned to once Electric Feel got annoying. Nd it served its purpose so well. Loved this track preCali, inCali, postCali nd beyond. What an anthm... Not really sure of what, but an anthm nonetheless.
MGMT - Time to Pretend
Yee, 3 in a row. While I preferred ElecFeel nd Kids, this song meant a lot 2 a lot of ppl. It was the track that brought many out of their AntiAlt cages and into the world of AltLove, even though MGMT hardly remained Alt 4 long. This album, Oracular Spectacular, could’ve been the best album of the yr/in the wrld if all of its tracks were on the same caliber of these 3. Unfortunately, evry other track kind of sucked. Pity.
CSS - Jager Yoga
I dont think a song has evr been more blogged about on one blog. Nd that one blog is this one. We drop lines from this shit like we’re brining SexyBack. (Miss that ElectroAlt anthem) 2 begin a song, and an album for that matter, with “Oh My God It’s So Hot, Oh My God It’s So Cold, Oh My God I’m So Messed Up I don’t know which way 2 go!” is the most genius thing ive heard in quite some time
Love u CSS. Love u JagerYoga. Wish u were on my top ten. Fk.
Estelle - American Boy
4 the record, this shit stayed on the DL for a good while, making it super cool for all us antiMainstream little shits who found it way early on nd loved jamming to it.
Then it got airplay, nd then we moved on.
But we all have had some memries 2 it.
M83 - Kim & Jessie
If this song doesn’t make u feel liberated/in love/empowered, then u have no soul.
It’s straight up beautiful The echoey, electronic, yet natural sounds of M83 r just incredible. In my opinion this song did not get any of the credit it deserved. Probably cuz the album “Saturdays = Youth” was lacking many more powerful tracks like this one.
But srsly, it’s still not 2 late 2 fall in love with song. I’ll still think ur cool even if this song bcums ur Song of 0h-9.
Kate Nash - Merry Happy
I hear the violent screams already from all the freaks out there who know that this song was not actually from this year. But u know what, screw u. Cuz this song had lacked presence in my life until early 0h-8, and once it did, it was fantastic. The perfect song when ur happy. The perfect song when ur a little angsty. The perfect song when ur sarcastically pissed off. Just greatness evrywhere.
Just makes me wanna start eating cheese on toast.

Rihanna - Disturbia
I know u hate me for putting up such a mainstream track. But u know u had some memries to this track. Nd when u hear it in the future, u’ll remember 0h-8. Nd I’m sorry, but this song is pretty epic, and the music video blows yall’s twisted minds out of the water. If u havent seen the video, then grow some balls, know that ull still be a total Alt/hipster/IndieBetch ever after u watch it, and watch this shit below:
The Ting Tings - That's Not My Name
They call me hell, they call me Stacy, they call me her, they call me Jane,
That's not my name. Great track, great lyrics, totally Euro0h-8. Stupid USofAers didn't get on board with that shit but what else is knew. Wished this album couldve been on my top ten, but 3 good songs doesnt equal a top10worthy album. Doesn't mean that theTingTings don't fking rock... See them live, plz. 1 of my fave concerts of the yr.
Uffie - Pop the Glock
Yeah, we know, not actually from this yr. But guess what, my electronic music awakening came during late 0h-7 nd thus, I only realized my obsession with Uffie around the start of the new yr. Nd it’s been one amazing yr with her evr since.
Thus, while I didn’t rank any of the othrs, I’d like to officially declare Uffie’s Pop the Glock as José’s NumberOne Song of 2ZroZro8.
Big momnt in history just made.
Hope u loved it.
Biznatchly banging hits from nxt yr already,
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