While the MTV-aired documentary didn't really tell us a lot more than we already knew or speculated, it gave us three important things to take away with:
1. Cumpassion. If uve been a living breathing specie on this planet for the last 3 yrs, ur aware that Brit has been all over the place with her actions, behavior, etc. to the point that majority speculated her death. Srsly, u know its bad when ppl actually expect u to die when ur only 25/26. But by opening up in front of the camera and just discussing some of the shitshow stuff that's gone down in her life and around her in the last three years gave us as the audience a lot of sympathy for her erratic-overxpozed-way-beyond-celebrity life. Plus let's not kid ourselves, this was one of the most brilliant PR moves we've seen any celebrity, but especially Ms. Brit, make in recent history.
2. Hope. Hope that Britney will be around for a while. For the first time in the last 3 yrs, she's making great PR moves, gettng back in the spotlight in a decent, appropriate, and honorable way (at least in the eyes of Amurican PopCultureSociety). Thru watchng the last 60 days of her life, u get a good feeling that she truly is back on track.
3. Britney. Let's not fking kid ourselves. Over 12.5 million ppl in the UK watched The X Factor last week cuz Britney was on it. Nd when the ratings for Britney: 4 the RCRD are released, i'm sure they'll be pretty damn recrd-beating high bcuz its about Britney. No one wants to see Courtney Love: 4 the RCRD or Danny Bonaduce: 4 the RCRD 4 the 8th TYME.
Ppl want Brit. Nd they got her. Nd they got her good.
So in honor of our Lady of Sorrows and Sympathies, here are two more tracks from the new album Circus, which if ur not aware, drops like a mothrfker TMRW (TUES TWELVE/TWO), which also happens to b Britney's burthday. The first, Blur, is a more downtempo track where Brit actually discusses the erratic fked up nature of her former party life. The next, Lace and Leather, is potentially the sexiest song I've heard in quite some time. So give it up for her and enjoy these traxxx:
Britney Spears - Blur
Britney Spears - Lace and Leather

Have a bitchtastic one,
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