Ur life is a nitemarish awkfest that I sometimes wake up from and realize that I've fallen asleep on the bathroom floor.
Ok I guess I should clarify that entire statement.
First of all, when addressing the masses, I'm thinking that Public is a good way 2 put it.
This shit is public, after all.
But aftr the extreme popularity of the photo-whoring site Picnik, im thinking that, like the original word "picnic", "public" will similarly lose its final C nd will thus bcum "publik".
U can call this an official 2k9 prediction from ur friend
Exmpl: Hipster. According 2 my BritishDictionarie, the word was originally slang in the UofK meaning hiphugger pants or underpants 4 women nd girls.
I'm still a bit confused by the whole pants OR underpants thing.
Sounds kind of like 1 of those HipsterRunoff gimmick where he asks whethr a specific person is an AltBro or AltBag...
Point being, the word has cum a long way since.
That's evolution, baby.
Anothr exmpl: A few yrs back apparently some rap dude tried to change the word "here" to include 2 r's instead of 1.
I will nevr understand this brazen move nd what it was supposed 2 achieve. I mean, "here" is a pretty fking common word. Y change that shit 2 "herre"? That's not change i can blieve in.
R words changing 2 quickly?
I think im starting 2 get scared of slang.
I always liked it/loved it/appreciated it as a young tot.
Now i just feel like im being left in the dust as new wrds cum out that ive never even heard of b4.
Like the othr day, some broski frnd of mine kept referring 2 his current state of being as "amp'd". I still have no clue what he was trying 2 express.
Was he craving that MountainDew-based spermcount-lowering energy drink that my nextdoor neighbor always throws empty cans of on my lawn?
Wasn't there some MTV-owned cell phone cumpany with the same name?
Was he merely trying 2 advertise for Amp'd Mobile? Thought they ran out of cashmoney...
Just trying 2 stay in with the times.
Thnx a lot Tweens 4 making it so ridiculously hard 4 me.
I h8/miss the word über. Does any1 use that shit anymore?
So VeryEarly2000s. I think my video gamer frnds used 2 say it. I think I used 2 say it too.
Did u ever used 2 say über, as in über cool, or über geek?
Looking 4 some moral support here as I go through these tough times of losing my oldskool lingo. Miss u/h8 u MiddleSchool/HighSchool/LawSchool.
Wanna hear ur betchy lingo,
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