Sometimes, I'm a little bit of a fk up.
As finals plague the wrld nd many of my undergrad/grad/postgrad/nevergrad frnds head home 4 the holy days ahead,
As yet anothr yr has cum, taken a toll on our beautiful bodies, nd is finally about 2 pass,
I have begun 2 think about 2k8 as a whole, the year that began my new life out in LosAngeles.
Nd its been great. Srsly. Like, the best.
It hasnt been perfect (understatemnt)
But all in all, its been superbly great.
But when I think about all the things i've done/tried/sold/bought/lost/experienced/murdered/said/beenExposed2 since i've been here, 1 question remains in my mind:
What wud my parental units think?
On the one hand, I know I shouldnt care/dont actually care.
But aftr living in closer proximity 2 them 4 the last few yrs and now being on the opposite side of the country.
I cant help but hilariously wonder:
What the fk wud my parents think?
Wud they b accepting of my increasing amount of independnce, even tho I already was b4?
Wud they b proud of my not necessarily legal ways of making money?
Wud they b terrified of my hipster/AltBro frnds?
Wud they b upset by the rampant drug use that goes on outside my apartmnt/on my floor/in my mouth?
Wud they b amused by my lack of conformity to the ovrpriviledged ways of my peers?
Wud they b worrisome of my erratic social situations nd frnd-making decisions?
Again, dont rly care, just think its funny 2 think about.
Nd if u weren't amused, then u can run to the nearest scaffold nd hang urself from it.
Cuz That Shit's Hilarious.
Oh Mom nd Dad.
Just want them 2 love me/h8 me/miss me.
Just want 2 share some Fleet Foxes with u.
Cuz they were part of the brilliant-ness that was 2ZroZro8.
Just want some1 to comment this post with a brilliant explanation of the last wrds of their song "Blue Ridge Mountains":
Terrible am I child?
Even if you don't mind,
Fleet Foxes - "Blue Ridge Mountains"
P.S. Today's blog post title is dedicated to N.D.
I hate ur... U know what.
That shit's (not necessarily) hilarious. But srsly.
Feeling Bitchy, Breathing Bitchy,
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