Did u know? Were u aware?
Apparently yesterday, Decmbr 10th, was a national advocacy day called A Day Without Gays. Nd I guess I missed the memo.
Nd I guess a lot of othr ppl did too.
Cuz I am certain that on my way back from lunch I saw several ppl who, last time I checked, were definitely Gheys. Then later on arriving back at my apartment I saw 2 dudes that evry1 has told me r gay.
Did they not realize that it was a day without gheys? Or maybe they aren't gay and I have just been misinformed/misled by their very homosexual tendencies.
Now b4 I start gettng death threats from GLAAD nd many of the ppl that live on my floor, I should explain the true meaning of this day:
Basically, the idea is that Gays everywhere were encouraged 2 not go 2 work/school/life and should "Call In Gay" to show what society wud actually b like if there were no gay ppl aka how damaging it wud b.
So kudos 2 this interesting and thought-provoking idea.

But here's the thing:
Bcuz I live in a very liberal setting, am liberal, have liberal frnds, etc., there r a lot of gheys around my life right now.
Nd 2 b honest, I could use a break.
I don't mean 2 offend the gheys who read L.A. Nouveau like its Gone With The Wind,
Nd I do love diversity,
But just 4 one day it would b nice for some of the overdramatics nd awkwardness that a lot of the gheys I know posess to go away.
So yesterday could have potentially been the best little vacation evr.
I could've sat outside, sipping a margarita, enjoying the fact that evry1 around me was down for some opposite-sex fun.
It's the same reason why Jews move 2 Israel, why Blacks dont send their kids 2 WASPy private schools, why Txns voted in George W. Bush...: Sometimes its nice 2 b with ur own ppl.

I think its beautiful. I know its beautiful. Nd I know that diversity is possible.
But sometimes, aka once a yr or so, it wud b nice to have some time 2 just b with ppl like urself.
2 have some bonding time with ppl of the same religion/sexuality/creed/penissize/ethnicity as my own damn self yall.
Im pretty sure I do not spend enough quality time with ppl who r like me, so this day could have given me an opportunity to see past their boring ways nd bond with them once nd 4 all.
So I therefore thank all the gheys who stayed indoors nd didn't do anything in the public eye to give us non-gays a day to relax, but also 2 think about whethr we actually appreciate u or not.
Nd 4 the gheys that I witnessed still parading around town today, I ask u to please participate next yr.
Nd speaking of gheys, the artist I'm about to post is a fave of the gayCommunity so I've heard, nd she's making a big dent in the mainstream music scene too. Which is kind of annoying. Nd now that I think about it, I have no idea why I'm posting about her. But this song is such a guiltypleasure (guess I shouldve posted it two days ago).
It's Lady Gaga.
The song is "Starstruck."
It even has, gasp, a rap cameo. I know. I know.
Just fking listen. Sry that this song is very high on the homosexual tendencies scale. Maybe I'll stay home next yr.
Lady Gaga - "Starstruck" (click 2 dwnload)
That Diet's Got Her Acting All 'South Bitch',
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