Now partying goes down in nearly evry city or hardly-urban locale in the Wrld.
From Paris to Panama City, from Pittsburgh to Prince Edwrd's Island, partygoers r always figuring out ways to party.
Nd usually, let's not kid ourselves, they are the same ways. Evry time.
It involves a good deal of booze, maybe some RedBulls/RockStarRage/MonsterForceUltraEnergy10hrsXDrink/Vicodin, some music to get u moving, and a dirty place to get down.
The party scene, of course, gets better nd more wild in better nd more wild cities.
akaSpokane,Washington. Where a day spent doing shrooms in the mountains will lead u 2 see some AltCoreIndie band play at The Knitting Factory, only to drown urself in sorrows at the martini bar down the street.
But nowhere is the party scene quite like it is in LosAngeles,California.
Not implying that its not sometimes bettr elsewhere (oh Paris, don't get all jealous on me like that).
But nowhere else do u have all the options that u do in L.A.
Nd nowhere else is there such PartyHype and PartyObsession as there is in L.A., which is constantly proved with the numbr of growing "CobraSnake" nd "LastNight'sParty" photoblogs on the interweb.
Nd speaking of which, enjoy some PartyPics courtesy of none othr than José.

Nd nowhere else r the PartyGoers so diverse, ranging from and beyond:
Nd most importantly, nowhere seems to be the same sense of PartyFreedom as there is in L.A.
Cuz a night/day/26hrsLaterStillGoingStrong of partying in L.A. could mean:
- Buying some dank weed from ur neighbor who goes to a Medical Club evry morning b4 he hits the gym, smoking some fine specimen with ur frnds, playing some trip-hop tunes while sippng on some fine wine, as the smoke fills the room with a glow that looks a lot like the smoggy nighttime sky.
- Taking a cab to Hollywood for $30, flask in hand, high heels in the other, stumbling across the future site of Hilary Duff's star on the WalkofFame, entering a club who's nooks feel more like a maze as u navigate the proximity of the dancefloor 2 the bathroom so u know where ppl r doing blow in case u want 2 partake.
- Going to UniversityPark aka USC after gameday, finding 2 hot drunk girls who will get u into all the frat houses even tho u graduated 6 yrs ago, being the IceLuge champ of the evening, schooling some Freshman PoliSci major at beer pong while u drunkenly discuss how the proper name 4 the game is Beirut.
- Meeting up with ur 2 guy frnds, Esmeraldo nd Okkebo, ur 1 girl frnd, Natalie, nd ur 2 non-gendr specific friends, Patricia Estevan nd Lord Matayis, to smoke some high-quality meth b4 using ur 1 DJ-frnd connection 2 get u into that warehouse party off of Olympic Blvd, only 2 find out that the warehouse was never unlocked 4 the potential rager, thus resorting 2 a KillerDJfest in the parking lot.
- Sipping champagne and VodkaPoms with ur best frnd nd his new gf, who happens to have starred on The Hills, hopping in the limo that's parked outside his apartmnt, arriving VIP at a Mr.Oizo/Justice DJ Set/BareNakedLadies tribute band show that starts 3 hrs late and doesn't end til 4, grabbng burgers nd shakes with the BNLtribute band afterwards.
Nd the possibilites go way beyond those.
But whilein some cities there's a limited amount of "scenes," there is an infintesimal numbr of scenes in L.A., to the point that they often bcum infused and consumed 2gether.
This is why only in L.A. will u get scenarios like Uffie+CutChemist+Shwayze(???)+SteveAoki benefit shows that r attended by tons of hipsters, TilaTequila, ghetto fab girls, TheCobraSnake, nd Margaret Cho, 2 name a few.
Cant help but put 1 more LAPartyPic up after that homage to Steve Aoki (credit Cobrasnake):
This is why partying in L.A. is, frankly, the shit. The bomb. The creme de la creme.
It's fking legit.
Bitch ur days nd nights away,
upon moving to LA from eastern misery, i have participated in all partying experiences detailed above.
ReplyDeletegood work jose