The Fiftieth Blog Post.
aka the50thBlgPost.
Is it appropriate of me 2 designate an entire post 2 the number of posts that I've written? Because this isn't really about anything except for the fact that its the 50thPost, does that mean it doesn't even really count as a Post?
What designates a "Post" in the real wrld?
R u gonna chill with ur frnds later nd discuss this post?
Does defining something as a "post" mean that it has 2 b discussable?
R posts only as good as their later discussions? If u have no reaction to a post, is it no longer really a "post"?
Does a lame post get reduced to merely worthless wasted space on the interweb?
Should I write Blogger/Google/YouTube/NBC-Universal-GEandCo. a letter apologizing 4 wasting their free hosting space when I write shitty posts?
R any of my posts really "shitty"?
Nd who has the right to judge what a shitty post is?
Lets move on from the negative, nd instead transition 2 the positive.
Whats ur fave post so far?
U have 49 to choose from...
Was it "Legacy Last Names" aka "Kennedy Sex Whores Unite"?
Was it "EmoBreakdown/CommSide"?
Cmmnt away.
Remembr back when all my posts were really short?
Weird times, man.
Remembr back when I talked about my personal life 2 much?
Again, weird shit.
Can't believe it's only been 2mnths.
It feels like such a long, powerful journey.
Nd yet, it's only the very beginning.
B4 I go, since this is the big 5ive-Oh, I have some shoutouts nd thnk u's 4 the fans/contributors/inspirational babes who have made L.A. Nouveau what it is 2day, nd what it will hopefully b in the future.
I know, its lame as shit.
Get ovr it.
U wish I was shouting out 2 u.
Here they r, in small font so u dont have 2 be too bothered by it:
N.D., IndieBetch of the Yr. SK, the SocialiteInNowhereland.
HelysonKellr. AllyMarcus(TheHuman+TheBlog). Vland's AF. BRody. iGuy. RCMS. SusnEapn. HRO. MarkHuntr. LrgeHeartedBoy. UnivSoCal. CMHS. MyFld. HSM4. U.
Finally, here's somethng some frnds nd I made 2 celebrate:
Here's 2 anothr 1650 blog posts 2 cum!
Bifty Ifty Tifty Chifty Hifty,
probably wont read this nemore
ReplyDeletewasnt in the list of ppl u thank'd
just want to die
just want to best express myself in a monologue
just want u 2 kno im not cryin, its just been rainin on my face