Welcum back 2 the L.A. Nouveau NewsCntr: Keeping U’s Informed Evryday, Lolz.
2day’s topic: Gas Prices.
They r so low.
Like, party-like-its-1999 low.
Like, wait-I-4get-did-Hurricane-Katrina-ever-happen?
Like, Y-the-Fk-r-airplane-flights-still-so-expensive?
Point is, prices r fking ridiculously low.
Especially when considering that prices were more than triple what they are now even 4 mnths ago. Way 2 b bizarre, 2ZroZro8.
But srsly, back in July, when I needed 2 fill my halfJapanese/quarterAmerican/onefifthsEuropeanUnion-made tank, I would stop by my ever-so-friendly neighborhood ExxonMobil SuperFillerUpperStation, ask them for $20 worth of regular sludge, nd wound up getting literally 5 gallonz worth.
Now in Decmbr, when I stop by the new Valero/WaWa/Quiker-Than-Evr-Mart that they built on that abandoned meth lab, nd I hand that crumbled coke-filled 20 dollar bill over, I now fill pretty much my entire tank.
Now that shit’s hilarious.
Nd I know ur happy about this dramatic gas price decrease, u little guzzlers u.
But there’s some srsly shitty aspects of these low prices.
Mostly bcuz it distracts us/theGovt/urMom from the real issue at hand:
In 0h-9, we need 2 focus less on AltBros nd more on AltEnergy.
We need 2 b way more energy indie nd less energy dependie.
Wanting 2 see the change. Feeling like JohnMayer over here.
Keeping on waiting.
But srsly, now that gas prices are low again, ppl r starting 2 feel all “ok” about buying shit tons of gas again.
Nd this must b stopped.
Like, pronto. Bcuz it’s distracting us from making a change.
Wishing 4 the Greenest 2ZroZro9 ever.
Nd speaking of green, we all (w’all)’s need 2 check out a rly amazing website/blog/interweb thing called inhabitat. It’s a website that is regularly updated with rly cool/neat-o environmentally friendly inventions/stuff nd ways 2 b more ecofriendly.
L.A. Nouveau highly recommends this shit.
Wishing that I went 2 Weed High.
Srsly. It exists. In wayyyyyyyyNorthernCalifornia.
Like, on the border with Oregon.
B the bitch u want 2 see in the wrld,