Like, this is a big one.
This is not a drill.
OneHundredth BlogPost.
This officially marks the 100th Posting that will b published via Google's the Blogger + the writer/artist/entertainer José.
Cant believe its already been 100 BlogPosts.
Wasnt always sure Id make it 2 see this day.
Sometimes felt like just 'giving up' the dream.
Oftn asked myself if it was worth the effort 2 keep going when viewership would plummet.
But thru Thick&Thin, we made it. I made it. U's all made it.
2 see the day when L.A. Nouveau would b a 100+BlogPosts Blog.
So in an effort 2 honor the fact that there have been NinetyNine diffrnt/diverse/multicultural/AfricanAmerican BlogPosts written b4 this 1,
Want 2 chronologically reminisce with u about ur fave BlogPosts in L.A. Nouveau history.
Ive consulted some of the Wrld's best blog readers 2 cum up with a list of their favrite posts, including many of the AllStars that u know nd love who have been previously mentioned in L.A. Nouveau, such as SKeimig, Ally, HelenKellr, Brody nd more.
Here's some of the results 4 the ppls Fave Blog Posts of the last NinetyNine...
- The Circle Scarf: God Says Ur Welcome - A deep exploration of the Wrld's best fashion invention in histry: The Circle Scarf. 2 know José is 2 know my love 4 the AmericanApparel CircleScarf. Nd 2 express my love for the CircleScarf, I had 2 incorporate a lil bit of BlogArt.
- How 2 B More "Out There Grindin" nd Other Pieces of Advice - After discussing diffrnt places on the InterWeb 2 find good Advice, 1 critical WebbySite was examined: WikiHow. Nd conveninently, the WikiHow 2 of the Day was "How To Grind", making 4 a great discussion about just how 2 get down on the dancefloor. Plus, gave some notable commentary on the shitshowy yr that was 1942. h8 u 1942.
- Report: Teens Channel Their Teen Angst Into Txt Msgs - Warning, this link will send u 2 all BlogPosts that are Labeled as 'Sufjan' just bcuz the actual link 2 the post isnt working. Way 2 Suck Blogger/GoogleInc. But after a lot of review, most of the lil scholars seem 2 agree that this is 1 of their fave posts. Rly opens up about what it means 2 feel Teen Angst. Nd the best part about it is its authenticity... its a REAL TXT MSG I intercepted along the way.
- Ur Nouveau Travel Agency has Arrived - Aftr realizing that we might just b in a lil Economic Downfall, I figured it would b helpful around the holiday season 2 share with u's all some of José's travel recommendations of diffrnt places 2 go in the UnitedStates 2 help out the Economy nd not invest ur dollars in othr wannabe nations. A few ppl even shared their Holiday Travel Stories aftrwards. Wish more ppl would commnt.
- Ally+Bro: A New Internet Meme - While it was pretty recent, this post might just b the defining BlogPost of our blogosphere-based generation, where InternetMemes like LOLcats nd RickRolling dominate poplar culture. A collection of photos of 1 of L.A. Nouveau's most trusted interns. Under the pseudonym Ally in order 2 protect her real identity, she eloquently poses with an incredible collection of diffrnt types of Bros. This collection is a once-in-a-lifetime viewing experience.
- Its Not Easy Being Alive nd Born From 1979-85 - An apologetic look at a large demographic in our society who at first would seem 2 'have it all', but in reality has it pretty rough. This group of humans Im discussing is 20somethings. Plus, this BlogPost contains the now famous quote
"Just trying 2 save myself from the most Jager Yoga period of my life". Cant beat that.
Have any othr L.A. Nouveau BlogPosts of the last NinetyNine that u particularly loved? Share them via Commenting. But srsly. Theres a shitton more blog posts nd Im sure at least 1 of them struck u in some way.
So inform me nd ur fellow readers so we can all b "in this 2gether".
Or share ur thoughts via theFacebook on the Discussion section of the newly-redesigned L.A. Nouveau page. xx Direct link here: OMfG xx
Wonder what the next 100 BlogPosts will look like.
Wonder if the InterWeb will still b a free place 4 me 2 communicate with u's all by the time L.A. Nouveau is at its 1,000thBlogPost.
Wonder if u's all will still b alive nd well 2 read the 2,350thBlogPost.
Wonder which 1 of u's all will try 2 assassinate me in order 2 take over this blog someday.
Wonder if any1 is even out there...

Hoping 2 get a 'Sign' that life still exists.
Hoping 2 Celebrate this Great Moment in L.A. Nouveau history by partying with u's all 2morrow night at the L.A. Nouveau HeadQuarters.
Hoping u's all will stick around for the next 100/200/500/InfiniteAmount of BlogPosts.
Thnx 4 being part of this greatness.
Thnx 4 helping us make history.
Final tribute 2 the 100thBlogPost:
100. 100. 100. 100. 100.
Love u bitches, but srsly,
wheere the fuck is greek life = nazi germany???
ReplyDeleteim very offended joseeeee!!!