to discuss with yall my pitied group of ppl of the day:
Dear oh dear, how unfortunate it can b 2 b a 20-somethng.
Now i know what u, as a little tyke/toddler/preteen/21-yr old might b thinking.
Ur sitting there, thinking "Say what now? Being a twentysomethng would b the best ever.
No rules. No games. No bullshit. My life how I wanna live it!"
But here's the sad reality check 4 u
20-somethngs r so lost.
No no. Not like "I just lost the game" lost (which by the way, u just lost)
Not in a losing sense. They're just lost.

God u ppl look so lost. Scary shit.
So many people are simply dying to b 20something yr old NY/LA/CHI-Twn hipsters/blipsters/misters/FillintheBlank-sters
So here's my question to them:
What the fk are you thinking?
Sure, on one hand uve got:
- ur own place to live how u want, where u want
- ur own job
- ur own agenda
- ur own money to spend on the (cumpletely unnecessary) necessities of ur AltLife
Nd as a twentysomethng singlette, ur free to discover what you want in life, rather than what ur botoxed/b00bj0bed/size2 mum thinks you need.
But as soon as soon as you reach that scary, tumultuous age, u no longer have:
- ur parents financial support (nd if u do, then ur not an Authntic 20-Somethng)
- ur ability to claim 'blacking out 6days a wk and pulling 1 allnighter per semester' as a full time job
- ur hopes and dreams of bcuming 1 of those young adulthood celebs
- ur parents to call housing services when you want an appartmnt by ur bestie
Yes, as a postgrad on ur own you have ur freedom, but is it really freedom?
U get ur freedom from parents, but along with that comes the restrictions of ur boss, ur society, ur credit card bills, ur city’s police force (unless you decide to go all ‘into the woods’ on me)
Basically, it cums down 2 this:
U need to figure out wtf you are doing in life.
So to quote ma pal Dickns: “it will be the best of times, it will be the worst of times. It will be the age of wisdom, it will be the age of foolishness. And so on and so forth with the paradoxes.”
These roarin’ twenties 2 cum r not that exciting.
Yet possibly the most exciting thing ever.
Do the benefits of the 20s outweigh the cons?
Will these young adults evr be able to find themselves in all their hipster sovereignty?
Just tryin to prepare myself for the intense confusion slash stress slash brilliance that shall be here in countdown—3. 2. 1. yrs / is already here / was here 1. 2. 3. 4. 12 yrs ago.
Just tryin to save myself from the most jager yoga period of my life
Just wanting 2 thank
Luv/h8/miss you independence… or ur illusion.
Enjoy some totally-on-the-DL music while you remain in fear for the future/nostalgic of ur past/wary of the present.
This DaftPunkdesperado artist is called Plus Move. Enjoy the song "Boss" from their fairly-newly-released EP titled 2099.
Nd get ready to dance in ur chair.
Plus Move - "Boss"
Enabling bitches evrywhere 2 b José,