Used 2 b a lot more Offend-able.
Back in the days of LowSelfEsteem/Hypochondria/Menopause, used 2 b kinda sensitive 2 the harshness of the wrld.
Used 2 feel a lil hated on.
Used 2 feel kinda targeted.
Used 2 feel uncomfortable when ppl would do/talk about morally offensive things.
Remembering now back when I got rly upset when ppl thought it was funny when MichaelJackson dangled his babyrobot ovr the hotel balcony. Used 2 say things like,
"Thats a child right there!" or "U should care 4 its life" or "Look at the pain in Jacko's eyes" etc.
Now I look at the paparazzipics nd cant help but laugh, thinking of how much fun it mustve been 4 that lil Baby 2 get all that Media attention nd for Jacko 2 get all that publicity.
In the end it rly was a good call... plus the Baby didnt die or anything, so, guess thats a plus.
So nowadays I dont rly get offended by much.
Maybe its cuz ive been exposed 2 so much that im no longer freaked out enough by anything.
Maybe if I didnt watch my fave SoapOpera star get mauled to death by a crowd of protestors when I was 12yrsold in Long Beach, CA, I'd b more easily offend-able.
Maybe if I didnt write an angsty hipster blog, I would care more when I offend othr ppl. [Still think that there r oppresive things about GreekLife at colleges that remind me of Nazism, sry Kansel]
Feel like our lil society is splitting in2 a dichotomy btween 2 diffrent types of ppl:
Ppl who nevr get offended, nd usually find Offensive things funny. &
Ppl who get offended over evrything, nd have a higher moral standard.
I am the 1st exmpl.
As are most of my closest frnds.
Like the 1 who jokes around with me about the funny man's accent at the end of HotelRwanda.
Like the 1 who gave a speech at my MiddleSchool graduation about how her personal hero in life is Terri Schiavo.
Like the 1 who threw out all her underwear cuz she was sick of wearing them a few summrs ago.
Like the 1 who did modeling nd took cute pixx of herself being crucified 4 a new "Just Say No 2 Meth" campaign.
Like the 1s who at age 13 introduced me 2 the musical wonder that is Peaches.
A crazy bitch grrrl whose real name is Merrill Beth Nisker, who's bff's with Feist, whose music is as edgy nd offensive as anything my frnds would do.
U may have heard her most notorious song "Fuck The Pain Away" b4.
This may have been the song my frnds nd I danced 2 in the hallways in eighthGrade.
So let me share with u now some more shittastic tunes from her.
This is a lil jam called "Boys Wanna Be Her". The title should tell u enough. U know Id want 2.
[photo cred via Rollo&Grady]
Peaches - Boys Wanna Be Her
Getting down 2 the Bitch sounds of Offensiveness,
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