[Dramatic musical intro]
I begin this new chapter in the L.A. Nouveau life feeling Inspired/Scared/Determined.
While there r lots of diffrnt issues/ideas/parties/drugs I want 2 explore via L.A. Nouveau, i feel that as a lil citizen of this planet, it is my duty 2 speak on Earth's behalf nd discuss
The Environment // nd Climate Change.
Cuz even if ur 1 of those "I dont believe in science cuz scientist r liars" ppl who dont believe in human-impacted global warming [nd if u are 1 of these ppl, we should have a lil chat 1 of these days], who doesnt love the environment?
Who doesnt love beautiful pristine beaches?
Who doesnt love rainforests teeming with wildlife?
Who doesnt love having fresh air 2 breathe?
Want 2 share with u's a poem that a good frnd wrote about his/her environmentally-related fears:
2 Whom It May Concern
(I hope this won't be returned)
We have known each other 4 thousands of yrs
Now I come 2 u eyes filled with tears
Stinging from gases you put in my sky
Clogging my lungs as they come 2 lie.
Causing temperature changes, first cold then hot
by clear-cutting my trees; wheres the next spot?
This is getting me dizzy, now I'm starting 2 feel faint,
Drinking from rivers & lakes, with chemicals u did taint.
For so many years I thought we got along.
What happened? What did I do wrong?
Please, please get this on time
Your precious resources are my vital signs...
Whats so incredible/important about being more eco-frndly/pro-Environment is that it effects so many diffrent things.
Yes, there's the preservation of the planet.
Yes, there's 'saving the rainforests'.
But just as importantly,
- It affects our health. Cuz breathing toxins/acid rain/pollution will give us cancer, harm our bodies, maybe even make us eventually mutate, etc.
- It affects our economy. Cuz GREEN JOBS = the future.
Creating green jobs will boost our HotMess economy.
Investing money in2 sustainable solutions will save our resources nd will thus save us money in the future.
- It affects our role in the lil international community. Cuz othr countries will trust us more if we are aiding them 2 take on sustainability projects/help 2 give them the resources they need 2 be more sustainable.
Nd the reason many nations dont rly like the USofA is bcuz of how much we exploit their resources/dump cheap labor jobs in2 their countries, which creates huge messes nd othr problems.
Nd if we change these environmentally-harmful industries 2 b more sustainable, other nations will want 2 do business with us more. Which ultimately helps National Security too.
I know that this is some high-level-thinking-stuff-right-here.
But its time 2 start making some changes.
This past wknd, approx12thousand students got 2gether in our nations lil capitol 2 discuss Environmental justice nd sustainability in the future, nd marched 2 Barack Obama's white-colored House to voice their concerns, nd lobbied on Congress 2 tell their lil Senators/Representativemens/Representativeladieloves 2 do more 4 the environment.
Video/pic footage of kids marching to Barack's house here:
Nd after this Powershift conference nd more, I declare that the Environmental Revolution has begun.
Which is why as of 2day, 3.2.9, a new featurette has cum 2 L.A. Nouveau which will look 2 talk more about the Environment, more about EcoChic music/fashion/art, more about how w'all can b more sustainable, nd more about ur lil personal efforts 2 make this Planet a healthy place 4 all humans 2 live.
EcoNouveau is here. \\\
Literally translating 2 EcoNew, this seems like an appropriate title in reference 2 this new Green movement nd all the ways w'all can make New more sustainable living habits.
Want 2 hear from u's all about what ur doing 2 save the Planet.
Want 2 know what are ur concerns 4 the future.
Want 2 spread Environmental Love 2 all the bitches,
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