Most times, good music understandably cums from France/Paris.
But right now, I've fallen back in love with some of the music of Scandinavia.
Sometimes bcuz of the EnglishSpeaking UnitedStates/UK/Aussie-centric wrld that we live in, it bcums easy 2 forget about the large contribution 2 our music&culture that cums from Scandinavia.
Historically, uve obviously got ABBA from Sweden.
Love/h8/miss u ABBA. Srsly, "Knowing Me Knowing U" is 1 of my lyfe's greatest anthems.
Still undecided on how I feel about Sweden.
Visited once; it was the middle of wintr, it was rly rly cold, nd I was there with the biggest collection of CuntyMoms evr. h8 u TeenTourGroups.
Wondring if i should revisit Sweden again.
Wonder if any1 remembrs me in Stockholm.
Hoping that some of the kids I met from Uppsala let me crash in their dorms if i visit.
Thinking about taking a semester abroad at Uppsala University. Heard that the Bro who invited KaZaA nd Skype went 2 Uppsala U.
Hoping that they have a lot of lil Swedish hipsters there.
But lets move 2 the present.
From that country i visited that 1 time aka Sweden, uve got the incredible José González whose Nick Drake cover alongside The Books was recently blogged here.
From a beautiful nd debatably Scandinavian nation call'd Iceland cums the incredible Sigur Rós, probably the most famous group 2 evr cum from Iceland.
If u dont know Sigur Rós, then ur legitimately missing out on 1 of Earth's greatest musical acts.
Basically, IncredibleInstrumentals+ElectronicSounds+InsanelyHallowingVocals = Sigur Rós.
Their most notable song, nd 1 of their most beautiful, "Hoppipolla", is currently being featured in a new trailer 4 the upcuming IMAXmovie 'Earth' based on the TVseries 'Planet Earth'.
Bcuz L.A. Nouveau Loves U, here's the full song 4 ur listening pleasure:
Sigur Rós - Hoppipolla
1 More Scandinavian wonder 4 u's all, originating from Norway, is Röyksopp, a rly legit electronic duo that has been around since the late 90's.
The ElectroDuo Bros made their biggest dent in 2005 with their lil album 'Melody A.M.' nd will most likely expand their awesomeness this yr with their upcoming album 'Junior'.
Love this AlbumCover.
When I someday have an AltElectronic solo band, I want my first album's AlbumArt 2 look something like this.
Nd when I someday have this AltElectronic solo band, which I plan on naming The EmphyseMamas, I want 2 create a song that's as legit/electroFun/Happy! as the first single from 'Junior': "Happy Up Here".
I ask u now 2 please enjoy "Happy Up Here" by Röyksopp.
Röyksopp - Happy Up Here
Hoping u bitches enjoyed this lil Cultural excursion 2 Scandinavia,
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