Wondering if speaking in the 3rd person is a better way 2 address the "public".
Wondering if speaking in the 3rd person will prove extremely damaging 2 my twisted ego.
But back 2 José's contemplation.
When I think of trends 4 the 2day nd 2morrow, I usually think of the hipster haven called American Apparel.
Nd as I seductively wear my CircleScarf evrywhere I go, I wonder if in a few yrs all the lil people that pass me by will b wearing some CircleScarf-inspired clothingwear.
Nd now that the new TieDie CircleScarf is out, I wonder if the original CircleScarf economy will take a direct hit.
Love u my fave lil Black&White TieDie CircleScarf.
h8 u/think ur ugly, Blue&Whitee Tiedie bullshit circleScarfy.
As we look beyond just the CircleScarf nd on 2 other fashion trends, I wonder if AmericanApparel's forwardthinking clothing garments will bcum the new standards.
Will evry1 catch on 2 the Thigh-High Socks motif?

Will ppl more actively use AmericanApparel's handy lil folduppable Emergency Bag when times of bad-needing crisis occur?

But most of all, when looking towards the future of fashion/the future of clothingwears, I remain terribly excited/wonderfully terrified 4 the day when Men everywhere bcum liberal enough with exposing their bodies that they ultimately wear this beautiful shirt of wonders:

Yes Sirs/Ma'ams/Moms/Dads/AZNs/PublicMasses, I expose u 2 the Men's BellyButton TummyExposing CutOff Tee.
Now all I want 2 do is wear this...
- On the sexiest beach evr.
- To a night on the town with my boyfrnd/girlfrnd.
- At a job interview 4 the Alumni Relations VP at Bogen State University.
- Evry time I fly anywhere 4evr more.
- When I visit my local zoo so I feel more connected 2 the unclothed animals.
- Choose.ur.own.dynamic.location.

Fashion Forwardness.= Yet Anothr Insightless Topic that L.A. Nouveau addresses.
Yet anothr meme/featurette by the Any1-can-contribute blog, L.A. Nouveau.
Part of the Interweb's Blogosphere.
A division of iMemes Inc., with promotional consideration provided by A Day Without Gays: the Musical and the H. Keller Foundation, supporting blogs, blind ppl, nd will-writers evrywhere.
xx Other L.A. Nouveau posts that discuss the CircleScarf / AmericanApparel that u would definitely b interested in if u liked the nature of this post xx:
Hoping 4 some more bitchtastic sponsorship,
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