No, it wasnt Space Jam, but thats a rly good guess.
Love/miss u MikeyJordan/BugsBunny/Looney Tunes. h8 u Space Aliens aka MonStars who try 2 screw over the lil Looney Tunes characters.
But back 2 the indie movie I actually watched last night.
It was ZachBraff's Garden State.

Garden State is a film about
a. Going "home".
b. Falling in love with an AltGrrrl.
c. What north/central New Jersey, USA is rly like.
d. How incredible indie music rly is.
e. Life=An Infinite Abyss.
f. TheShins.
g. Choose.ur.own.Meaningful.Interpretation
h. The Art in Evryday Life.
**Best answer = H.
U probably shouldve guessed that from my lil hint I gave in the GardenState Graphic above.
But the others answer options are sufficient 2 if thats rly how u feel.
Answer c. is also a rly good answer if ur from the North/Central New Jersey area of the UnitedStates.
Miss u Metuchen. Get a life, Rahway.
But yes, the Best Answer for this PopQuiz Question would be H. The Art in Evryday Life.
Garden State = A film exploration of the Art in our evryday lives.
This art exploration = why I/u/so many lil ppl probably love Garden State.
Wondering if its possible 2 capture the Artistic aspects of ur evryday life without filming the whole thing.
Thinking that filming ur entire existence would actually reverse the ability 2 find Art in ur life, nd would instead turn it in2 a Trashy RealityTV-based SoapOpera sensation where the beauty of ur life would be lost to the banal drama nd problem-ridden climaxes.
So how do we find the Artistic aspects of our lives?
I want 2 be able 2 acknowledge when I'm looking/doing something that could be generally recognized as Art.
Would most of the Alt/Mainstream/Other.subgroup population think that the T-shirt I'm wearing 2day = Art?
Do my Black/White-striped TOMS Shoes suffice as a piece of Art?
Is the Hipster PostModern photo display of Humans That I Love on my bedroom wall an artMuseum-worthy expression of Art?
Will our global society deem the Light-up Onesie that I used 2 wear 2 bed as a piece of historic Art?
Is my life/existance merely Art 4 the Masses?
Nd if my life/existance isn't Art, should I strive 4 it 2 be recognized as Art?
Want 2 be able to lean against a Bathroom Wall nd have my shirt match the Wallpaper just like ZachBraff nd these lil friends of mine below.
(image via weburbanist, thnx BlogFriend)
However, I dont want 2 be simply a Meme.
I dont want 2 be merely an exampl of a decade/century/other.unknown.time.period
Just want my style/genre/flow 2 be "appreciated" as a form of Artistic expression.
Just want L.A. Nouveau 2 embody a Los Angeles Hipster form of Art.
Thinking that we should take as many lessons from Garden State as we can.
I have found a direct link between L.A. Nouveau's theme of 2kNine aka "Give It Away" 2 the Imogen Heap movie-spawning hit "Let Go" via Frou Frou.
so let go, let go, jump in
oh well, whatcha waiting for
it's alright
'cause there's beauty in the breakdown
so let go, yeah let go, just get in
oh, it's so amazing here
it's alright
'cause there's beauty in the breakdown.
Think we should try 2 "Give it Away" nd "Let Go" more in our lives 2 achieve the most we can out of this Life.
xx bonus mp3 of a related song from GardenState by the mainstream/alt Defies.all.categories.Band Coldplay that offers more good LifeAdvice by telling us "Don't Panic" cuz "we live in a beautiful wrld" xx
Coldplay - Don't Panic
Want 2 keep making Art 4 u lovely bitches,
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