Los Angeles makes me live in a very diverse community.
There's lots of diffrnt types of ppl.
There r AltBros, regularBros, skanks, BusinessBogens, lesbians, Sk8rMoms, GayDads, HollywoodHunks, fugly girls, nd Hipsters.
But 1 huge demographic that is rly huge around me is CinaNerds.
aka Cinema-lovers, nd by lovers I rly mean phenatics, nd by phenatics I rly mean ppl who r straight up mentally ill bcuz all they know/talk about/breathe/do is films.
Nd while these ppl r truly crazy, they have 2 make u wonder:
What is the effect of movies on my life?
Nd just as importantly, What does my fave movies say about me?
Bcuz as I continue 2 meet humans, visit their places of residency nd witness their film collection, I realize more nd more how much ppl's fave movies r often a reflection of the kind of person they r.
Bcuz I am José nd José = u nd me nd w'all, I refuse 2 use myself as an exmpl.
But let me give u some othr scholarly exmpls:
- Theres a total Broski who lives down the hall from me. Stole some alk from his room once. Sry dude. Anyways, as I was grabbing his bottle of Andre nd flask full of SouthrnComfort, I stumbledupon his DVD collection, which went something like this:
- Beerfest the Unrated vershion, Blades of Glooorry, TalledegaNights: The Story of the Bumblefuck NASCAR dude: a bioflick, Wild Hogs.
Yes, this was legit this kids movie collection.
Nd it should cum as no surprise that this Broski spends the majority of his day getting ripped/picking up skanks/playing beerpong.
Anothr exmpl:
- My couzin has this girlfrnd who, h8 to dis my couzin but, would b a lot prettier if her boobs werent just her ribcage, if her stomach existed, nd if her hair didnt constantly fall out.
But anyways, 1 day I went 2 help my couzin move all of her stuff to his new apartmnt. Nd aftr I came across all these pairs of jeans that she saves from when she was 7 yrs old nd sometimes wears when she goes out, I found her lil movie collection. Here's what I found:
- Super Size Me, Coyote Ugly, The Virgin Suicides, Drop Dead Gorgeous, GossipGirl SeasonOne DVD set
We can see here some1 totally fked up, sometimes wanting 2 die, nd someone whose BodyMassIndex is around an 11, on a good day.
So while these movie collections clrly relate 2 their owners, it makes me wondr:
R the movies i'm watching totally screwing up my lyfe??
Does the fact that im secretly a lil obsessed with The Virgin Suicides mean that im probably gonna hang myself in my basement/stick my head in an oven/O.d. on sleeping pills/die from CO2 poisoning?
Does my best frnd's love 4 the film "Mean Girls" mean that he's secretly a Mean Girl?
Nevr thought of him like that b4.
Does my mom's fave movie being "American Beauty" mean that theres a whole lot I rly should know about my family dynamics / my dad's evryday dealings?
4 all of the above hypothetical questions, the answr is mostly No.
Altho I did try 2 stick my head in a microwave once... just wanted 2 see what it would b like. I'm a lil curious sometimes, sry.
But all in all, I think that the movies u's all/I more.than.like/LOVE oftn reflect a lil something about us.
Its not necessarily something that we r, or that we want, but instead could b something we'all r scared of, wish 4, or just "get" us somehow.
XX BONUS mp3 from "The Virgin Sucidies" soundtrack... LOVE the band Air who did the whole soundtrack XX
Air - Playground Love
Nevr want 2 b the kind of bitch that "gets" Beerfest,
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