Opning quote: "When I decide to not eat again, I'll be skinny again." - MgS.
New word for you hipsters: Jaklefish. Origin: Nashville. Meaning: Some1 who iz a TOTAL JOKE. Originates from the word JAK, an economically lower way to describe something that is a sad/pathetic/ridic joke. Like you. (U know who u ar) So everyone i know together makes up the biggest borderline jakaquarium i've ever experienced. (yes, the word for a conglomerate of jaklefish(es?) )

Now, on to more important aka ACTUALLY HIPSTER not complete PO' HICK WHITE TRSH things that aren't centered around a lonely Tennessee high school (Sry N.D.) To help u understand where I'm at right now, I feel it's important to (personally) introduce u to the things that r currently motivating the way i carry out my life:
- HIPSTER BLOGS, they fking rock and validate why i feel the way i do about life
- specifically, HIPSTER RUNOFF aka HRO if ur AltBro enuf
- IndieArt Clothing... specifically RVCA (can some1 plz fking explain RVCA to me? fk my east coast origins), Design by Humans (best t-shirtz evr)
- Herb-based drugs, or lack thereof; this is going to be one LONG november (but ur worth it, IBG & AP)
- Amphetamine salt-based drugs; which will get me and hundreds of othr desperate college students thru this LONG november (shout OUT to MgS & SBR, and AlK & N.D. cuz u needz it)
- Environmentally-concerned students at my college (all twelve of them)
- the Los Angeles dream / the neo-American dream
Before I peace the fk out, I want to make it clear that I blame DICK CHENEY for having to help my parents pay the monthly bills. Fk th wr on trrr.
1 LST THNG: I am awesome bcuz i live in LA. But not all of us are so fortunate.
Some of us are stuck in nowhereland aka rural New York state aka a frozen wasteland of despair, like my bstfrnd, whose life u should discover, obsess over, and secretly love by reading her sxcellent blog SOCIALITE IN NOWHERELAND.
Baetchin' all night,
eye feccckin luv ewe betch.