"Get me out of this nightmare that some people call life." - AJS
On this same topic, I'd like 2 discuss High School
U know when I'm talkng about...
Somewhere btween the second week of college nd Thnxgvng break cums the time when that high school lovr, who u swore u wuldnt let college get in the way of, goes sour.
What the result of this curdling of the relationship is can vary.
- Whethr its that the boyfrnd is possibly cheatng with that hot girl from Kappa who's in all his fb pics
- Whethr its that the lack of sexual activity is makng ur body want to eat ur insides
- Whethr its that the girlfrnd all of the sudden forgot that she planned on waiting til marriage
- Whethr its that the 19 yr old hubby-2-be couldn't afford a weddng ring cuz he spent all his money on txtbooks, baby supplies, nd coke
- Whethr its that the supposed best frnd convinced the bf/gf that dating is so not in right now
No mattr the situation, the idea remains the same in all cases: Love Dies.
I'm sorry, was I not clear enuf? Let me repeat that:
Love. Dies.
But then there's always those ppl, u know the ones... hell, u might be one of them,
Yes, ThosePpl, who refuse to accept the fact that Love does Die.
Well here's a little message I'd like to share written to all ThosePpl evrywhere:
Dear ThosePpl,
My life might suck right now cuz I'm back home in a freezng inferno missng the fk out of LA, wishng I was in Paris, praying that I'll get back to the sun and warmth soon,
But ur life is a joke.
Eg. Knock Knock? Who's there? Ur life is a joke.
That right there was ur life, bcuz ur so sadly dictated by the false impression that ur former love is still blossoming and blooming, even tho the leaves have fallen, it's 30º and the non-tropical non-desert non-SoCal regions of the wrld are buried under a blanket of late autumn/early wintr death.
So please thnk again before u tell me that ur high school relationship is still workng out.
Signed, José the Realist Reaper.
The first: a more downbeat jam by my currnt loves, M83.
M83 - You Appearing
The nxt: a supurbly angst-ridden track from evryone's favorite angst bitch duo, Crystal Castles.
Crystal Castles - Courtship Dating
Bitch-city is Aquí,
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