The one's that entertain
and the one's that observe.
That right there is a new quote from a good friend of mine.
And when I say good friend, I really mean personal idol.
She's a "put-on-a-show kinda girl."
She "don't like the backseat, (she's) gotta be first."
She's "like the ringleader," she "calls the shots."
She's "like a firecracker," she "make(s) it hot" when she "run(s) a show."
She's fking Britney.
And her new single is un-fking-stoppable.
I promised that in this blog I wouldn't give too much insight to who I, the author, actually is.
But let me be clear about something: I'm not some Brit-ubsessed homo-erotic freakshow.
I'm not some flaming bag of peppermint-citrus-flavored candy-coated dung. I do have a legitimate attraction to women. (Guilty.)
But srsly, Britney Spears is EPIC.
And her new album "Circus" is gonna be pretty excellent.
Especially with her new single, titled like the album, "Circus".
And it's here. On LA Nouveau.
(Worship me later, listen to this shit first.)
So in other news, I am so overcum by this song that I can't even fathom anything else to blog about.
And I know I said I would post more about M83, cuz they do fking rock, but this is Brit Brat's moment, and I gotta let her have this one.
We'll go back to M83 tmrw, or the nxt day.

If its cold out where ur currently reading this, then that is a DAMN SHAME. But it's burning up down here in LA. Literally and figuratively.
Nd i'm scared. Scared that my dorm will burn down.
But even more scared about heading back east in a few days, where its fking freeeeeezing.
Nd my angst level bcuz of that, and so many othr naturally unfortunate events in life, is RIDICULOUSLY HIGH to the point of Xtreeeeme.
Like, the photo on the left Xtreeeeme.
I leave you with that.
(Lack of) Peace, (Not much) love, (So much) bitch,
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