How do i know? I'll tell you:

Cuz I hate NorCalerz. Like, legit do not like them. As in losers from Northern California. I'm probably about to lose like half the viewers of this blog by saying this, but srsly, NorCalerz are FKing annying. Now there are the exceptions, aka the cannabis connoisseurs and SanFran hippies who are super legit. But all of the following actions / interests make NorCalerz really stabable:
- HYPHY. is. pathetic. like no othr. its shitty rap, shitty beats, shitty 'cohol. and the WORST WORST VüRST is the WHITE KIDS who thnk they fking rock bcuz they fking love HYPHY. No! It's a NO!
- "Hella." = Hella UNcool. No one, and when i say no one, i mean NO ONE outside of the BAY AREUHH say Hella. So never say it again.
- U think ur peaceful, liberal, and cool SOLELY bcuz ur from NorCal. LIES, LIES and more vomit-teeming LIES. example: Marin County.
- The fact that NorCalerz go to the University of SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA and yet bitch about SoCal. WHY THE FCK WOULD U CUM HERE IF U R GONNA BITCH ABOUT SOCAL!?!?!
- The fact that there are a shit ton of Nor Calerz here right now for the Berkeley game and the fact that they think they're all better than everyone here yet they all look just as blonde, fake, and chemically-processed as all of the dmbhoes from LA.
Beat the Bears.
Fight the Fk on. Srsly. Fight the motherfk on. As in, find out where the nearest San Mateo-dwelling kid lives, knock on his/her door, ask if he/she wants to die, and then fight him/her in an epic battle that has to ultimately be broken up by the LAPD.
P.S. if u havent checked out the song i posted in the post before this, then ur dumb. so check it the msssk out.
I'll link this shit later. It's time for ftball.
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