oh, well hello! i didn’t see u there! so im in music technology class nd the prof is doing some funky shit on garageband, and making me realize that garageband is the most amateur mainstreamed shiz since Ja Rule. wish makes me feel retarded for ever using it and even more retarded that i bought Logic Pro over a mnth ago nd still dont know how to really use it.
props to apple tho on making some mainstreamed tech-friendly good-lookin stuff.
nd even tho so many mothertruckers hate their iPhones, who doesnt want one? srsly, who would refuse an iPhone? (pleaze comment at the end of this if u would actually refuse an iPhone cuz im super curious as to what has made you so anti-establishment nd mutated) but beyond the iPhone, apple still has some legit shit they could come out with. what could that be, you might ask? here’s my ideaz (so listen the msk up, steve-o jobs-o):
- iCam - a fuckin radical digital + video camera that would put all photographers everywhere out of bizness
- iBlend - apple’s first and finest blender that would have a touch screen interface and you could sync ur iPod with to blend to the beat of the music
- iQuarium - an EPIC aquarium / fish tank for yo bedrüm or anywhere else u would love to have ur iQuarrie (its trademarked nickname)... climate-adjusting depending on what sea life you’ve got rockin in there
- iQuarium Pro - the more expensive more interactive more seductive version, glass and chrome, can fit a sea cow aka manatee!
- iDYAMBL (iDeath,YouAreMyBitchLover) - self explanitory
This be him on the right...
Hope he gets some this evening.
Peace nd love beytchy fools,
U r so hawt rite now. can i git yo nubah pleaz. i mean i luv the hipstah hottayz. gahhh droolion amieea is home fuckkk meA