
Post 1 of a Pre-post to a Future Post called 1 YR L8R

Cuming soon 2 the L.A. Nouveau blog... a very special post borderline meme that will b titled
One Yr L8r: A Historical Look at the L.A. Nouveau Empire

This will b published throughout the 1 yr anniversary month of the L.A. Nouveau blog (which is October), a blog that started out as a simple way 2 vent about "modern society" bullshit.
A blog that went on 2 bcum an angsty analysis of "culturally relevant" (via HRO) topics.
A site that expanded in2 an entire "family"/"network"/choose.ur.own.Web2.0.description of blogs, tumblrs, sites, events, etc.

Nd while the blog itself has gone long ignored 4 the last several months, its ideas have only expanded further.

- Its expanded in2 a more "articulate" more "socially acceptable" more satirical Online Museum that is called Artifacts of Modernity, which can be viewed @ ArtofMod.com.

- Its wonderful musical postings have been all cumpiled in2 one central place called MusicNouveau (music being the things that r posted, nouveau being part of the name of the blog/”family network infrastructure”) which can b found @ MusicNouveau.tumblr.com.

- Its starvation 4 entertainment has been executed thru crazy events via L.A. Nouveau parties, 50% of which have resulted in some sort of legal/police intervention.

So as L.A. Nouveau continues 2 move fwrd in ways outside of the original blog, it feels like its good time 2 "look at our past" in order 2 "best understand the present" in order 2 "help us best succeed in the future".
Please join me on this magical journey thru teen angst, pseudo-hipsterdom, hyper-irony, meta-physical means 4 understanding the world around us.

So much has been said here/commented here/vented here/demonstrated here/symbolized here, nd while its been expressed in the cuntyest form evrr via lack of vowels nd disturbing bulletpoints nd etc., its overall quite a beautiful manifest of "human understanding" nd "sociological evolution".

ImportantNote: Sry if u ever felt "abandoned" by José via the lack of L.A. Nouveau blogposts. But if u couldnt tell already, the L.A. Nouveau spirit has far transcended this lil blog, nd I hope u've been able to experience that spirit thru other more "meaningful" avenues.

// The month of October will b an exciting time 4 the L.A. Nouveau family. //
Artifacts of Modernity has recently sparked interest from a rly cool online web business.
MusicNouveau has recently been reblogged quite a few times via tumblr.
Carles from Hipster Runoff now "follows" Artifacts of Modernity.
This season's first full-fledged L.A. Nouveau party is soon approaching.
Nd the blog will re-emerge as a place for historical analysis for at least the remainder of the month, nd who knows what will happen from there.

Thnx u's all 4 all ur support/h8/love, nd enjoy the memories that will flow throughout this lil Month of October.

Peace Love Bitch,

(looking fwrd 2 ur comments so plz leave something)

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