The purpose of this meme was 2 help u connect 2 some interesting/cool/whatevr places around the Los Angeles, California-area.
Unfortunately, while there were many travels via José 2 many diffrnt areas of L.A., there was only 1 post on the topic ever.
(It was on Malibu. It can be read by clicking the following link: *there r real live pics here of the L.A. Nouveau interns!!!*)
The logo looked something like this:

Just wanted 2 remind u of what this meme was like.
Nd I bring it up 4 good reason.
Bcuz since its SummerTime, L.A. Nouveau is "doing something crazy".
Something its never ever done b4 in its entire sporadic 8-months of existence.
José is leaving L.A.
(Gasps, shrills, moans, MariahCarey-highpitched-vocalShrieks, etc.)
Dont wrry, Ill b returning 2 L.A. eventually. This is only temporary 4 the Summer.
So instead of isolating myself in L.A., Im exploring the WRLD.
Nd along the way want 2 update u's all on the many Hipster Happenings beyond Los Angeles County, CA.
So get ready frnds/girlfrnds/boyfrnds/moms/dads(happyalmostfathersday, btdubbz)/NewlyGrads nd beyond, 4 a whole new L.A. Nouveau experience about Finding Hipster-ness/Blipster-ness all over the world.
I bring u:
- This is the first L.A. Nouveau meme that will actually b followed thru on / the first that there will actually b multiple postings on / the first that will b continually updated thruout the SummerMonths (As my frnds Friendly Fires/Au Revoir Simone once sang, "I promise, Im on it"). -
So get ready 4 some high quality commentaries + photos of the alt/blipster/hipster happenings found internationally from José's summer voyages around the wrld.
Wanna know what wonderful place on earth is first up?
Well I have news...
Im not telling.
Until 2morrow.
So check back 2 find out nd get ready 2 start living vicariously thru L.A. Nouveau.
Bitching is so INT'L,
ur interns are really hot