
There's Only 3 Kinds of Thank U's Out There

This usually isnt the "designated time of yr" 2 say Thank U for stuff.

Generally mainstream society tells us that we should start being cognizant of the things we should start 2 b thankful 4 right as Halloween ends nd as we are propelled in2 the consumer "HolidaySeason" til we reach an eventful climax @ ThanksgivingDinner where evry1 is obliged 2 share their most meaningful "I M Thankful 4" 's until evry1 just feels bad 4 how much they have.
These feelings of Thnx r expected 2 continue throughout the rest of the December month until u r completely surrounded by gifts/gift-giving nd thus the only thing 2 b thankful 4 is that ur getting that new Wii2.0 4 Xmas/Hanukkah/Kwanza/Choose.ur.own.LooselyAffiliated with Religion.December-based.holiday

It thus seems like midApril is just not even remotely a designated time 2 "b thankful". But at a time where excellent Summer Jams r beginning 2 leak via mp3 Blogs, the weather is getting warmer 4 those of us not lucky enough 2 live in LosAngeles, California, school nd other related academic endeavors r coming 2 an end, nd the MusicFestival Season has just kicked off with the best music festy in the country (Coachella), theres a surprising amount 2 b thankful 4.

Nd so I want 2 personally share a story of Thanx on this random April day that may or may not be the 23rd day of the Month.
While there r lots of things Im happy 2 b thankful 4,
There's only 3 things I want 2 specifically call upon. (similarly 2 the # of kinds of fish)

Nd here they are:
1. Crystalmeth. Thank u Meth 4 being the gateway drug of choice 4 so many hipsters/gays/Latvians around the world.
Thank u 4 supplying some hilarious moments in the lives of many of my frnds.
Thank u 4 being the 1 drug thats still funny 2 joke about, bcuz lord knows that coke jokes are so last yr.

2. AustinPryfogle. Thank u NorCarolina-based grrrl named AustinPryfogle 4 being courageous, strong, and above all, absolutely amazing at life.
Thank u 4 giving us so many wonderful stories 2 share at the dinner table.
Thank u 4 not letting fear dictate ur life, nd instead, letting ur own spirit guide u.
Nd thank u 4 getting me involved in the legal system.

Nd finally,
3. Black Moth Super Rainbow. Thank u 4 FINALLY leaking a few tracks from ur upcoming album 'Eating Us'. Since that late-January day when the Sampler track was first released, I knew this album would b amazing, but was horrified nd dismayed 2 realize that I wouldnt get to hear any of it until months in advanced. But now, the time has cum 4 a few tracks 2 be leaked over the internet.
Thank u 4 not getting all leak-prevention-crazy like some artists do.
Thank u 4 making albums that Im actually going 2 buy, nd not just on iTunes, but on Vinyl, bcuz thats how epic this album will be.
Thank u 4 being MorganArons-esque "Originals" by making completely original-sounding music that fills my head with wonders nd excitement nd intrigue. (Read more L.A. Nouveau posting about Being an Original via MorganArons here: http://lanouveau.blogspot.com/2009/01/hipsters-intense-discussion-on.html)

So if ur willing 2 hear a leaked track from the new album, enjoy 1 here.
This is the lead single, called "Born On A Day the Sun Didn't Rise".
Its a bit more intense than ur average trip-balls Black Moth song, but its undeniably 1 of their best songs yet.

Enjoy it here:

Black Moth Super Rainbow -
Born On A Day the Sun Didn't Rise

Bitching with Thnx,
José ≠≠≠≠≠≠≠≠≠≠≠≠≠≠≠≠≠≠≠≠≠≠≠≠≠≠≠≠≠≠≠≠≠≠≠≠≠≠≠≠≠≠≠≠≠≠≠≠

P.S that above was a brandnew end-of-the-post distinguisher.

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