Intro: This is a BlogPost that begins by discussing my personal absence from the Blogosphere nd my decision 2 get back in the game a lil.
But in the last few weeks, so much Music News has been pouring from out of evry lil hole and crack that I simply have no choice but 2 re-start up the L.A. Nouveau engines nd get this baby lubed cocked nd ready 2 fire once more. (U choose whether this was a SexualRefrnce or not)
This time, however, in order 2 bring u more up2date music findings, I have gone 2 the dark side via TUMBLR in order 2 supply u with the latest.
So, as of this very moment in time, I present 2 u all...
MusicNouveau. A place 4 José-approved Music. A place 2 quickly browse nd instantly download/listen 2 quality tunes. A place 4 losing urself in the music the moment you own it you better never let it go (sry bout that, started channeling Eminem there).
The link is this:
Nd here's a lil peek at whats cuming up in the next few days on MusicNouveau:
- Sufjan Stevens new album??? Zero 7's new genius creations. New song by Air. Imogen Heap has new shit 2. New band 2 watch 4: The Dodos. Nd more. Its all gonna b there.
This could b the greatest experiment of all time or the biggest flop of my career. Either way, u's all will b doing it with me.
Hope u bitchfully enjoy,