Its called “Do U Know A Bitch Like this?”
The object of the game is 2 determine if u know any bitches like the 1 im about 2 describe. Let’s see how u do.
Good luck.
Bitch A:...
Wakes up at 9:30 in the A-M.
Skips taking a shower bcuz showers r so 2ZroZro8.
Slips on the same pair of jeans that Bitch A has been wearing 4 sixdays.
Runs 2 grab coffee.
Has class at 10.
Gets out at 11:55.
Runs 2 work which Bitch A is supposed 2 start at 12.
Has an Elitist Important Meetng with Bitch A’s Boss at 12:30.
The boss shows up late, meetng goes til 2.
Runs out of the bldg 2 grab more coffee aftr the meeting.
Has a presentation 2 give at 2:30.
Does a WardrobeChange at 3:30 to go 2 Bitch A’s sports team captain job.
1 of the kids accidentally kicks Bitch A in the face during practice.
Bleeds 4 approx 20 min, leaves practice.
Gets home by 6:30, blasts “I Feel So Untouched Right Now” while heating up leftovers from 2 nights prior.
Crams 4 an exam until 8.
Goes out 4 drinks with 2 new frnds, 1 whose gendr is not necessarily clear.
Gets buzzed by 10 P-m, gets drunk by 10:15 P-m, gets home by 10:30 P-m 2 study more 4 Bitch A’s nextDay exam.
Makes a fresh pot of StarbucksSuperMochaMohave coffee.
Reads stimulating blogs b4 bed.
Goes 2 sleep around 1am.
So... Do U Know A Bitch Like this?
R there ppl in ur life who share some similarities to Bitch A?
R u the person who this sounds like?
If u know some1 or are some1 who is similar 2 Bitch A, then congratulations, cuz that person/u r overScheduled.
Which brings me 2 2day’s main point about what suxxx.
So here’s what suxxx.
Being overScheduled.

Its daunting.
Its frustrating.
Its cunty.
Its stressful.
2 put it in the wrds of the most platonic human being evr, it's a "Damn Shame".
Nd 2 b honest, no 1 likes overScheduled ppl.
Cuz they usually r 2 stressed, 2 erratic, 2 pissedoff 2 deal with othr ppl's problems,
Nd r basically the biggest CuntyMoms ever.
Nd I know its been 4ever since ive officially declared this, but I am hereby declaring Bitch A-type ppl as the biggest CuntyMoms of the Week.
So whats there 2 do 2 change this cuntyness, u ask?
Feel like there's no way out of ur overScheduled overWorked underSexed life?
Here's some Advice from the L.A. Nouveau AdviceColumn >>
- Drink more coffee//redbulls//Sparks. Keeps u going longer.
- Watch 30 Rock. Cuz if u associate with this lifestyle, then u will associate well with Liz Lemon.
- Take a WkndGetAway. More info on this is available in a post circa-Nov 0h-8.
- Meet me at Foxwoods.
- Go 2 the Beach nd chill out/surf out/make out with some surferBroskis.
- Write a musical theater production about a stereotyped Group of ppl who tend 2 piss u off as a way 2 channel ur angst/"Emotions."
- Choose.ur.own.Coping.Method
Would love 2 hear some of u's coping methods / ways u relax / ways u reduce ur own Cuntyness. Sharing is caring yall. U could b helping ur fellow reader/blogger/hipster/bitch A.
Remember the "Give It Away" theme 4 2kNine.
Get out of ur betchteeming life,
this makes me so sad slash i m pretty sure u will ruv this.
ReplyDeleteSo this "grrrrl" didnt wanna do the rush thing, but all her frndz did, so what does this grl do, she sits in her room n gitz swasted off....Mikes hard lemonade. CM move.
I wants sparks back. y did u take them away gvt? just bc they look like energy drinkz and kidz wanna em doesnt mean u need to be so cruel.