I h8 that I don’t get 2 do it more often.
Both r the best.
But in the most diffrnt ways ever.
LA is my new home. My new joint. My gr8 escape. My nouveau-ness.
But NYC will always b my love. My babygirl. My bff who Ill never 4get.
In othr words:
///My soul needs LA, but my heart needs NYC.///
Thinking about scientifically dividing myself into 2 diffrnt humans, 1 that has my soul, the othr that has my heart, so they can exist in the places that each respective part of me needs 2 live.
Bcuz while having access 2 both cities nd living around both is fantastic, the traveling backndforth is clearly a pain.
Nd there r plenty of things that contribute 2 this pain.
But 2day I’d like 2 discuss one component:
That’s right.
4get the flights.
4get the airport security.
4get the terrorist threats.
4get the traffic bullshit.
4get the stupidity of travelers who have no idea what the fk they’re doing.
4 now, I’m just talking about Packing.
- Sorting thru ur attic/basement/crawlspace 2 find all ur suitcases.
- Finally finding the right piece of luggage.
- Going thru ur drawers 2 decide whats worth bringing.
- Rummaging thru ur closets 2 find even more junk thats not in ur drawers.
- Deciding whethr ur rly going 2 wear that jacket in LA/those flipflops in NYC.
- Feeling attached 2 certain items even if they’re rly heavy.
- Overpacking/underpacking. Evrytime.
- 4getting shit at home but being 2 far away 2 double back.
- Having 2 empty shit from ur bag when u get 2 the airport cuz its 52lbs instead of 50.
- Cramming so much shit in ur CarryOn that ur shoulders break.
- Trying 2 avoid having 2 check bags bcuz of the long wait once u get 2 ur destination.
Packing=So Many Steps/Obstacles.
Nd now that I have junk in both locales it’s bcuming even worse.
I find myself wondring:
Do I have enuf fancy shirts in LA?
Shud I leave this many flannels back east?
Will I have enuf shaving gel out west 2 not need 2 pack more?
Shud I rly bring all this haircare crap home?
Packing=So Many Questions.
Also, the anxiety over what u packed bcums problematic too.
Like, will the airport security ppl think this torpedo-shaped hairdryer is a weapon?
Nd even more importantly, is my wardrobe gonna look super cracked out bcuz I 4got certain items in NY?
Am I gonna have 2 change my whole look bcuz I packed 2 many baggy jeans?
Will I have 2 take my life bcuz my poor judgements in packing led me 2 wind up with only the following outfit:

Nothing could b worse. Nd when I say worse, I secretly mean better.
Maybe I should take this twinksky's fashion advice.
Nd afterward I'll "accidentally" end my time here on earth.
Packing is
The worst//The best//Not a big deal//Choose.ur.own.response.
Bitchly roaming in the sky,
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