
The French: Supplying Us With Much

Aside from AZN's, hipsters, nd the Blogosphere, 1 of the more popular talking points of this blog has always been The.French.

In all past discussions of these mysterious/silly/cunty-but-loveable ppl, theyve been addressed bcuz of their amazing nd often superior music.

Nd with artists/singers/DJs/electrosluts like Uffie, Justice, Yelle, nd M83 just 2 name a very select few, its understandable y Im so often discussing the going-ons of the French music scene.

But there r so many othr things about the.French that we hardly ever address.

Such as their food.
Croissants = YumCity.
Nd a Baguette.with.Ham+Cheese is so "in" these days around lunchtimes.

(Thnx 2 FoodPornDaily 4 this wondrful pic of a potentially Paris-inspired sandwich)

Nd how about French fashion?
Paris has always been way ahead of the USofA in terms of its apparel/wears.


(both pixx courtesy of the many Lookbook postings of French ppl)

Just want some1 2 travel to Paris on my behalf 2 bring me back lots of vintage/chic apparel that I can wear in an effort 2 prove to my frnds/co-workers that Im more fashion-forward than them.
Assuming that this will lead them 2 in turn further question my sexuality.
Hoping that this wont effect the 3.on.3 BasketballTournament Im currently taking place in with a bunch of Bros who work a few cubicles down from mine.

But at the end of the day, no matter what else Paris/France/the.European.Union has 2 offer, its stellar music is what makes me continue writing about it.

So I continue 2day with a Parisian newcomer called Make the Girl Dance.
Theyve been tearing up blogs evrywhere 4 the last 2 weeks or so with a highly provacative/"SexyCanI" music viddy nd a SuperCatchy KindaCunty AbsolutelyBombtastic song called "Baby Baby Baby".

Here r some of the more memorable lyrics of the lil song translated in2 our more native tongue...

I want your Mom’s Black Amex. I want your Dad's car.

I want to go out with your mates. I will wear my cutest panties.

I want a hot sex session. You can look but you can’t touch.

I want to be Justice's top friend, I want Gaspard's hand on my thigh.

I want to be the only person in photos. And I want to model for Yves Saint Laurent.

I don't want any cake. I just want Coke.

I don't want Kate, I want Ethan Hawke.

I want ice cubes in my glass. I want to smoke dope with your grandma.

Nothings available 4 purchase yet in the US, but Im sure thats coming soon.

So 4 now, try 2 get some1 u know 2 go over 2 France nd purchase some of their music 4 u. Nd maybe theyll bring u back some EuroChic/Would.b.Gay.in.the.USA clothes that ull secretly fall in love with.

But until then, enjoy the music 4 free.
Watch the pretty.much.full.frontal music viddy here:

Nd here's the mp3 PLUS a bonus mp3 of a pretty great remix of the song by another French electronic duo called No Kiss With Gloss (this is a link 2 their myspace, u's all)

Make the Girl Dance - Baby Baby Baby (mp3)

Make the Girl Dance - Baby Baby Baby (No Kids With Gloss Remix) (mp3)

Je veux 2 bitch all nite,


A Guido's Role in the East Coast MTV Universe

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A-Quick-Post: Believe Achieve

L.A. Nouveau presents "A-Quick-Post": a new kind of post thats quicker, shorter, nd more 2-the-point on updating u's all about life in the Nouveauniverse.

Here r some thoughts/tidbits/ideas:

- Swine Flu jokes r officially "less funny" than jokes about Clay Aiken's outed sexuality, MexiCNN reports. -

- Amrican Idul: is any1 still watching? Dont know any1 that still watches. Heard a rumor that my parents might still watch it. Im trying 2 get 2 the bottom of this fallacy. Miss u Sanjaya. -

- Im trying 2 brainstorm some creative things that I can do with all of the face masks I bought 2 weeks ago when all my frnds said I would die from the Swine if I didnt. Could make some nifty bday presents. I heard theyre still worth a lot in China, Toronto, nd other SARS-affected cities. Maybe next time I go on tour with my Indie/PunkRokk/Hipster/Hampster band, we'll perform wearing face masks. Nd then can throw them out 2 all our fans at the end of the show. Perfect. -

- Wondring how HilaryDuff is doing these days. Havent seen her in a while/am a lil nervous 4 her wellbeing. -

- FoxNews' indienews channel FxNws reports that 78% of ppl still think that Terri Schiavo is totally do-able. Brett Michaels has more on that story -

- Finally, (FINALLY!), life is particularly stressful at the moment 4 many of the college kids out there dealing with finals, moving back home 4 the summer, getting sucked down corporate loopholes in order 2 find "meaningful jobs", etc. I wish all of u's good luck at this daunting time of yr.

As my good frnds at Cansei de Ser Sexy, commonly referred to as CSS, would say:
"Believe Achieve".

Enjoy the José-fave musical number below:

CSS - Believe Achieve (artist name is a link 2 their myspace. just trying 2 promote the bands 2 u's.)

"I wanna b just like u Bitch," - CSS