Bcuz as u's and the Hype Machine have all noticed I'm sure, almost evry time I post mp3's, I drop it in at the end of yet anothr one of my epic LifeCommentary posts.
Which by no means r going 2 end.
Cuz those r the true point of L.A. Nouveau.
It's the reason u r here.
It's the reason I sit here evryday cuming up with genius intellectual commentary about the wrld around me nd the new LA life that I'm living.
But dont lie, u also cum here 4 the killer music // mp3s. I know.
Nd I respect that, bcuz good music is harder 2 cum by these days.
So I do the dirty work 4 u.
Nd u get 2 listen nd enjoy.
So without trailing on about the wrld/society/culture/thearts/british soap operas/etc., let me specifically hit u up with some music.
2day I'm handing u a taste of Tobacco.
No, not the shit that will give u lung cancer.
The artist Tobacco.
aka Frontman 4 the super-tripppy super-psychedelic group Black Moth Super Rainbow.
In case u missed it, Tobacco was actually the 1st artist evr posted on L.A. Nouveau back in its 1st post evr. Crazy 2 think about the time thats passed since then.
NEWays, if ur in2 trippy/psychedelic/electronic music nd u like Black Moth Super Rainbow, ur sure 2 love Tobacco's debut album Fucked Up Friends.
Plus the albumartwork is superbly epic, not like u care or anything, but just in case.

Wish my frnds were more in2 experimenting so I could see them looking like this dude on the cover. N.D. I promise I wont take 2 many pictures/videos nd wont tell ur folks back home if ur interested in acid/LSD.
Here's an underrated more chilledout track called "Tape Eater".
Tobacco - "Tape Eater"
Mp3ly Bitching,
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