
Displacemnt, Containmnt, Txs.

LAnvo is officially temporarily displaced.

Consequently, now wud be a good time for tears.
Cuz I bring u this post from Texas. Txs.
Except, I know this sounds kind of ignornt, but i thought most of Txs was Hot. Like temperature-wise. Cuz nothng much else about it is.

But srsly, it is not hot here right now.
And when I say "not hot," I mean it's literally under 40º F.

LA might have a shit ton of problms, but at least the idea that it's a warm place actually holds true... unlike this shitshow lay-over locale.

And it's this myth of Txs wthr that makes u think...
What if all the othr nasty rumors surrounding Txs aren't really true?
What if there are actually some smart ppl that live here?
What if evryone isn't another Dubya?
What if some of the people here actually embrace cultural diversity?
What if Txns actually think of themselves as Americans first?
What if I cud raise a family here without being worried that my kids would turn into cowboys?
What if Txs is actually the best new indie quick-wknd-getaway place to hit the scene since Vegas nd Cleveland?

Cud this actually one day be possible? Cud George Walker Bush's exit from the Whte House and Obama's entry bring the kind of change that could enable Txs to emerge as "cool," "chic," or even, dare I say, "ALTRNATIVE?"

But srsly, with the economy currently skydiving without a parachute off the Sears Twr hoping to take a voyage to purgatory, long fancy vacations are on the way out.
But with the stress level of humans worldwide being shot out of a ultra-powerd cannon that launches shit at a million mph where the wind feels like a gravel sidewalk against ur face, ppl will need more short, stress-relieving breaks, aka

Which leads me to ponder about wht the new hot spot wknd getaways will be in the nxt year or two... could it be Txs?
Or maybe Long Beach?
Or maybe, just maybe, I'll hope and pray... Sarasota?!?!
Whts ur thoughts? Fill me in on any future hot spot wknd getaway leads that u might have.


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