All over the interweb//blogosphere//hypemachine, mashups dominated the scene.
Thnx 2 the brainchild of Gregg Gillis aka GirlTalk, mashups bcame almost mainstreamed in 0h-8.
Evry college campus was buzzing about how cool/problematic/crazy their free GirlTalk show was. (Exmpl: Gregg's little showdown at Harvard. Thats y elitist nerds shudnt get cool shows 2 cum 2 their campus)
Once the Greggster bcame the hottest shit ever, so many othrs jumped on the bandwagon.
There was E-603. (another pretty poplurr MashUpster in case u havent heard of him)
There was the JusticeMixedWithEvrything bullshit that still continues to fill the "scene". There were the millions of blogs nd blog posts dedicated 2 yet another "brilliant" "award-winning" mashups. Nd basically by the end of last yr, it was full frontal mainstream.
Even my 9 yr old cousin was jamming 2 a mash up of the JonasBros vs. Dr.Dre over Xmas Break.
Nd because it was so the epitome of 0h-8, I wonder/secretly hope that its over. Can't we cum up with something else 2 do with music in 0h-9? How about the return of MegaMixes??? Nd this wud b a great way 2 promote buying Full Albums instead of jusrt Singles.
Miss u MegaMixes. The industry needs u, MegaMixes.
So 2nite b4 w'all go 2 sleep, let's all pray to Jesus//Allah//SeanPenn that MegaMixes make their needed cumback in 2k9.
While we're praying 4 things 2 cum back, can we also ask 4 the return of Lasgo??

Miss u Lasgo.
So I ask all u bloggers//hipsters//blipsters//hipreplacement moms out there 2 cut down on the MashUp craze in 2k9.
MashUps need 2 join Uggs, Hibatchi Grills, and Akon on the List of "SoYesterday Bullshit" that no one likes/cares about/understands anymore.
There is nothing that I can do but belong to u bitch,
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