But what's sometimes even bettr than an Epic Post itself are Epic Commnts that awesome ppl leave on posts.
Nd I'd like 2 share a recent comment left on a post published right b4 the NewYr.
On Twelve/ThirtyOne/0h-8, use-r-name RRR commented with the following.
First he/she/it wrote:
"p0st m0re NewsCntr, love how it feels like "deep socio-political commentary". only reason why i read LANouveau."
This is good 2 know, nd the NewsCntr is something u will c a lot more of in the 2kNines.
But the real greatness of his/hur/itz comment was the following:
"biggest question yall: why is the BlogTitle frenchish and the AuthorName spanish? just want 2 warn u this is a question u will face when ur blog becomes read in more than four states. could be a chance for u 2 answer w/ something
a) witty
b) clever
c) sarcastic
d) indicative of ur PersonalBrand
e) choose.your.own.response."
Thus I'd like 2 address this question that I have yet 2 answer.
Nd in answering the question, i'm gonna go with options b, d, e, nd a little bit of a&c.
So here's the deal.
The name of this blog is Frenchish.
The AuthorName is Spanishh.
The posts r written in English, or some sort of awk//futureistic//txty//bitchy AltEnglish.
Nd this is bcuz L.A. Nouveau, written by José in the AltEnglish language, is an embodyment of all cultures//species//locales//wrlds.
Evry1 is part of this blog in their own special way.
Whethr u read it religiously, have written posts 4 it, comment on it, or merely glance at it ever so often, dont click any of the links, dont dwnload any of the music, nd basically just take this shit 4 granted, ur still a part of this Nouveau-ness.
Cuz Nouveau=New.
Nd José=U.
As I so often love 2 say:
I is u nd u is me nd 2gether, we are yall.

Nd although none of the above was rly big news, I'm officially declaring this post part of the NewsCntr, just because A. ppl clearly want more, nd second of all, IDK what the fk is wrong with the website fileden, but basically all the music that you know nd love on this blog is temporarily not working.
If this isn't automatically fixed by the morning, I will launch a war on Fileden.com. Swear2Allah I will.
Thus, I feel that by informing u of the mp3 situation, I have delivered u some nuze/news.
P.S. btw in response 2 the comment by RRR that only 4 states read this blog:
4 ur Info 34 of the 50 U-S states read L.A. Nouveau.
Nd even bettr, 33 countries around the wrld read L.A. Nouveau.
Necessary shoutouts 2 theUK, Canada, Germ'ny nd PoPoland nd Australia, the countries that read L.A. Nouveau most bsides the USofA.
\\\\ Holler at yall. \\\\

Bitches H8 When The Interweb Fails,
love'd the NewsCntr, really felt connected 2 u. havent read LANouveau for like 3days b/c something is wrong with my lappy (Mr. StevenJobs fault). love'd being referred 2 as he/she/it -- never felt more diverse since Barry Obamy became Prez and watched him speakin behind the glass @ GrantPark.