So lets chit and chat about it.
A. Lets discuss the TITLE. It's called "MY LYFE WOULD SUCK W/OUT U"
Nd I have 2 admit, while i rly dont want 2 "get" what she's trying 2 say, i think i might sorta kinda maybe do totally "get" it.
While we all strive 2 b the most indiependent/hipster/AltErnative human out there, sometimes there r those ppl that cum in2 ur life who u just wouldnt want 2 do life without.
4 the few of u out there who have Frnds, u understand what i mean by this.
While many a day goes by where all i want 2 do is live in Solitude,
There r some ppl that my life would srsly suck without.
4 exmpl:


Kermit the Frog.



CuntyMoms/Hipster VIP's

U's. All of u's.
Secretly want 2 give some more specific shoutouts here, but simultaneously dont want 2 b the biggest CuntyMom ever by doing so.
But feel free, liberated nd obligated 2 share some ppl in ur life who "life would suck without".
Nd second of all, enjoy this slighty.too.dancy / not.deep.enuff / yet.anothr.poptastic Kelly Clarkson track.
Nd 4 the rcrd, u will almost nevr evr see this mainstream of a track posted on L.A. Nouveau again. So dont get 2 freaked out/excited.
Kelly Clarkson - My Life Would Suck Without You
Bitches 4ever united here somehow,
U know life would suck so much without ND.
ReplyDeleteHer life would suck more without u tho :)