My AltLyfe is often expressed by pairs.
While I usually strive 4 wholeness, 1ness, nd Hipster IndieBeing, I guess Jesus nd othr suppliers of wrld order wanted 2 make certain things totally pair-able.
I s'pose that its time 4 me 2 more fairly acknowledge these great Pairs in my life.
I'd also like 2 point out that the wrd Pairs would b Paris if u switched the R nd I.
Miss u Paris.
But lets not emotionally digress 2 much.
Main point: I guess some things cum best in 2s.
Like these scholarly exmpls:
There's my Mom+Dad... creating humans like its nobodys business.

There's TheCobraSnake+SteveAoki... DJing+phototaking all ovr the CircularEarth.
There's Shampoo+Conditioner... cuz my hair = a defining feature of my Altness.
There's Me+N.D.... An AltBro just isnt cumplete without his OhSoHipster BFFL.
There's TomsShoes+MyFeet... my Toms always keep me cozy chic nd socialitely philanthropic.

There's SocialiteInNowhereland+AllyMarcus... the 2 officially designated "Frnd of L.A. Nouveau" blogs created by the same slutty soul.
There's Girls+CrystalMeth... cuz life is always more fun with a lil meth. Don't wry about losing urself, srsly.

[photo cred = SiNomatic]
Nd finally,
One last 1 that's SUPER relevant 2 right now:
There's The Bird + The Bee.
If u dont know them/their music, then get with the program nd thank god that u have L.A. Nouveau by ur side.
Cuz their folkElectro funkiness is blissful/fun/energetic/beautiful.
The othr pair, bsides the 1 in their name, is Inara George nd Greg Kurstin, who make up The Bird and the Bee.
Their debut album had popular faveys like "Fucking Boyfriend" and "La La La", which im sure u's have heard. It's on their My-spAce if u havent...
But their latest album, titled Ray Guns Are Not Just the Future, cums out 2MORROW/TMRW/2mrw.
This second album is no sophomore slump... its more dancy nd even more exciting than the first album nd has some great tracks that I already cant stop listening 2.
Enjoy 2 tracks off their new album, nd remembr 2 buy it 2morrow.
The Bird and the Bee - Love Letter to Japan
The Bird and the Bee - Witch
The best bitches often cum in 2's,
<3 the bird and the bee
ReplyDeleteso excited 4 this album
thanks 4 posting about it