This is a BlogPost about headaches. Nd how humans r often the reason I get them.
This is a BlogPost about CuntyMoms. Nd how I’m currently surrounded by tons of them.
This is a BlogPost about clichés. Nd how theyre always visible at any age/at any time/in any environment. But r especially painful/obvious/problematic among tweens/teens/20somethings/choose.ur.own.cunty.AgeGroup
Let me describe 2 u the setting I am mentally placing myself in.
I’m in a small classroom.
I’m not a student, just a mere obsrvr.
Just wanting some education in my learning-curved life.
Just looking 4 some entertainment in this classroom of scholars.
In this learning locale, there is a smudgy blackboard, a lot of filled chairs, nd some eyesore lights.
If this space was stripped of its current inhabitants, it would b a pretty standard-looking room 2 take a class in/have a study date in/get nasty with a teacher in.

But as I mentioned b4, this BlogPost is not about the room itself.
Its about the ppl in it.
Nd most importantly/frustratingly, its the suprbly cliche ppl that r so CuntyMom-esque/headache-enducing.
Exmpls r evrywhere:
- There’s the boy with a fuzzy fauxhawk whose 2k4 glasses r just as unfortunate as his stained red pover-shirt.
- There’s the somewhat female-looking person with a very baggy sweatshirt nd awkward denim who continues 2 doodle about a boy she’ll never get with.
- There’s the backwardsHat-wearing clunky Silver&Gold watch-bearing douchebag who cums in late, probably regularly.
- There’s the AZN with a highschool mascot tshirt nd a white knit sweatr whose jetblack hair is in the wrld’s tightest lil bun.
- There’s the “babe” with diedBlonde hair who has yet 2 stop whining about the difficult ditzy day she’s had.
- There’s the mocha-colored ladylove whose chunky gold heartshaped earring hoops help 2 bring out the gold lining in her babyphat jeans.
- There’s the awkwrdly chubby sonnyboy in the very front who’s sexual dryspell will continue 4 quite some time.
- There’s the tinge-of-ethnic-ness-looking grrrl whose broken english is matched with her obesely-big-eyelashes of doom, despair, nd deception.
- There’s the SuperScruffy SuperSketchy darkhaired SuperStoner who I’m pretty sure is currently eating an eraser.
- There’s the not-so-tough-AZN“dude” whose diamond bling earring reflects a shining light on2 his bad acne breakout.
Basically, Bogens r evrywhere.
If u dont know this spectacular word, then u clrly dont watch Summer Heights High nd/or have clrly nevr been 2 Australia/NewZealand where this word is a staple among slang.
Need a break from the Bogens/CuntyMoms/cliche humans that surround my mentally created classroom.
If u didnt “get” it earlier, the classroom is a metaphor 4 my lyfe nd the students r the humans in my lyfe. Now go back nd re-read this shit knowing its all metaphorical.
Ignant freak.
Metaphorical bitchin’ can get u somewhere,
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