
Kennedy Sex Whores Unite.

Hello and here's what I'm jealous of 2day:
Legacy Last Names.

Yep, that's right. U know those last names that just scream WEALTH, PWR, FAME, and LEGACY.
Exmpl: Rockefeller.
U know if u met some1 with the last name Rockefeller, they'd be rollin' in the dough.
Just like if u meet some1 in 10+ yrs with the last name Obama, u know u'll be jealous that they were somehow related to Barack, Michy, and the whole hipster PrezFam. (Love u Sash nd Malia)
But the biggest LEGACY LST NAME that im super jealous of right now has to be:

John Kennedy.
Prez No. 35, SuperStud, Womanizer, R.I.P.

Cory Kennedy.
Former CobraSnake Intern, The LA Hipster/LA Socialite of 0h-6, Coke Addict, LOVE.

Joe Kennedy.
The King of Queens, Vegas Billionaire, Ghey of the Day.

Nd speaking of the latter example, I'd like to discuss Sex in the 2ks. (2000's)
Now im totally cool with / down with ppl cuming up with hot sexy kinky ways to attract some1 or initiate something with someone.
Foreplay? I'm game.
Treasure hunt? Sounds grand.
Horny txt msg? Superb.

But here's where technology/the internet/VanessaHudgens goes wrong:

Oh nd then it gets wurse. (Credit: JKndy's fkbud) Nd just to clarify, these weren't found on GoogleImages or some bullsht like that. These were actually sent to a frnd from some1 asking 4 sex:

Ok, so it can be sorta hot if ur so ultra attractive to the point that naked pics of urself would be deemed HOT. But srsly, no offense to evry human i know, but i would not want to see most of the humans i associate with everyday, and even some of the humans that i would want to fk, in self-taken naked pixxx of themselves in their dirty bathroom mirrors.
Nd SRSLY, kudos to u for being that enamored with urself, but who the fk is that ubsessed with themselves to actually do that?

Now here cums the sad part: I am sure that many of the ppl I know nd love nd fk nd who read this blog have done / do this regularly / will do this in the future.
Y? IDK. When A. its creepy and SECOND OF ALL, some1 could easily post them online.
So unless ur lookng to bcum a pornstar (nd in that case GO 4 IT!!!! ND send me ur pixxx and i will gladly try to get u famous), nd unless ur bf/gf/elicit lover is off to war / displaced so far away that its the only thing that can get ur relationship to stay kindled, then wtf are u doing.

Nd back to my original argument, if this is how ur actually trying to get some1 to bone u / fk u / have vaginal/anal/oral intercourse with u, then all i have to say is:
Nd the fact that this WORKED is even more ridiculous/hilarious/naturally.

More mp3's mañana. B grateful for what i supply u, u dirty drug/mp3-ubsessed nymphos.

2k9 Sex-Crazed Betches Be Gone,

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